Saturday, July 7, 2012

I Should Be Sleeping..

Oh, hi. It's you. You can't sleep to, huh? Me too. Or just pretty bored that you stumbled upon my blog? Well, I'm glad you did because I need someone to listen. I don't have anyone to talk to right now. I just broke up with my bf through text which is a pretty lame thing to do, but he's far away, and he's the only one I could really talk to. Yeah, I love him, but I hated him this morning. I don't wanna go into the details, but I'm angry at him, and I didn't really had a decent sleep, so whatever little mistake he did has such a massive effect on me, so yeah, I ended up telling him I don't want him anymore. And I cried, a lot. I've been crying a lot because of him, not because he did me wrong, but he hurts me without intending to. Maybe I'm just really an over emotional person, which is, FYI, true. It makes me sad to think that when I lose him totally (oh yeah, did I say that "I" broke up with him?He didn't want to, but he's not talking to me now) and he's the only one I could really talk to, and he, on the other hand, has a lot of friends he could call and ask to hangout with, and I think it's a little unfair. He made good friends through out his life, while I suck at choosing friends, and now I don't really have someone, because my only good friends who I can talk to is faraway. So that's why I ended up here. Thank you for listening. I still have to try talking to my BF, because I don't really want to lose him. Yeah I love him. We've been together for almost 5 months, but we started hanging out in September and we never really stopped since then. And oh, did I mention that he is the first good friend I made that I'm really proud of, because he is cool and got a good taste or judgement, which is maybe why I fell for him in the first place.  So anyway, I went to bed at around 10 earlier, but 1 hour later, I woke up to find myself sobbing, thinking of ghosts from my past and that I really am about to lose him, so I checked my phone but, no message from him so I went online to find someone to talk to or something to distract me. I'm glad my good friend replied on my message, but it was hours ago and she might be already asleep right now. Anyway, I really am a f*cked up person.I need to get a grip of myself and my life. To my dearest boyfriend and close friend, I love you and I don't really want to lose you. I just want our problems to disappear. Or maybe MY problems to disappear.

Sincerly, Me.

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